

The success and development of a fish farm depends on its basic design and familiarity with the type of fish farming, as well as how it is built and completed taking into account the size of the farm.
If all the conditions, including a timetable and budgeting are in place, as well as a clear plan, you can save significant money and time.
Providing a primary and secondary plan along with design details and implementation plans is the first step in deciding to build a fish farm. Providing details of engineering drawings are important in design and cannot be omitted.
The features of a reliable design are the cost of design details, which should usually be cost-effective and based on the predicted production location and tonnage.

استخرهای هشت وجهی

Octagon Pools:

Proper placement

The pool should be protected from natural disasters such as storm winds and floods and be visible from the control room (to allow fish to be monitored). There should be no shrub or bush near the pool to prevent the grass from falling into the water and so on. And around the pool there should be proper access for personnel and transportation of fish and equipment. The diameter, height and slope of the pool floor should be designed based on the type of aquatic and geographical location of the farm so that the aquaculture can be marketed in the shortest possible time. Basically there is a relationship between the dimensions and depth of the pool and the type of fish and even the size of the fish that should be taken into account in the design.
The standard depth of water is usually based on the average height of the water depending on the size of the fish.